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Yr7 Subject Evening – 5th May - Online Appointment Booking

Dear Parent/Carer

We are pleased to invite you to the Year 7 Subject Evening on Thursday 5 May between 3.30 pm and 7.00 pm. The purpose of the evening is for you to discuss the progress your child is making with his/her subject teachers. We would encourage you to attend this event so that you can fully support your child’s learning and progress as they embark on their Key Stage 4 courses.

Due to Covid -19 the evening will be held virtually using an easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. We welcome any feedback you have of the system after the event.

Appointments can be made from 1200 on Thursday 21 April and will close at 1500 on Thursday 5 May. Should you wish to make any changes after this time please contact Please use this contact email to report any problems you are having with the system. We will continue to send reminders to you up to the day of the event if you do not make appointments.

Please visit to book your appointments. (A short guide on how to add appointments is included with this letter). Complete the log in page with the required information (this must match the information we hold on the school system) and this will take you to the page on which you can select the Subject evening date and proceed to make your appointments. These can be made manually or you can give permission for the system to make all your appointments on your behalf.

If you do not have access to the internet, please contact who will forward your email to your child’s teachers who will arrange to make a telephone appointment with you.


Yours sincerely

Mrs Elizabeth Kirby  -  Year 7 Progress Leader                                          

Ms Veronica Giaquinto - Deputy Principal