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As you know the last day of term is next week on Thursday 19th December.

School will finish early that day, and year groups 7-11 will be released from school between 12:05pm and 12:15pm (starting with the youngest students first).

For students in Sixth Form, they will finish after their tutor time.

Please arrange for your child to leave school or be collected at these times.

Due to the early finish the students will not be here for their lunch.  They will be able to spend their food allowance during their break time on the last day.


We are planning a non-uniform day on Thursday 19th December 2024 to raise money for our own Charity ‘The Pomegranate Opportunities Trust’.

The purpose of the Trust is to provide students of Queen Katharine Academy the opportunity to bid for grants to fund memorable experiences , like trips , equipment and extra-curricular activities. The Trust exists to advance opportunities for all students through a rolling programme of bids/requests for funding from students currently studying at QKA who complete an application form. It is the collective responsibility of the seven Trust members to decide on successful student bids.

Suggested donations are £1.00, and these will be collected on the door in the morning as the usual uniform and equipment checks take place, we would request that all students in non-uniform donate what they can afford.

The expectation is that all students are appropriately dressed, the year team reserve the right to ask any student to change if we feel their dress does not meet expectations, these include no mid-drifts, ripped jeans, high heels or open shoes, hats or caps, sunglasses, inappropriate slogans, low cut tops, exposed shoulders, any rips in jeans must not be above the knee, trousers and tracksuit bottoms must be worn appropriately.


We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a restful and happy break and we will see all the students back in school on Tuesday 7th January 2025.