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Forward Pathway - Criteria

Type of need: Moderate Learning Difficulties: cognition and learning with social, emotional and mental health.


Learners will have cognition and learning difficulties and associated SEMH needs, either because of a global learning difficulty or because of the impact of specific conditions such as autism or a speech and language difficulty. 

This affects their academic attainment and their social, emotional and mental health development.  

Learners in the Forward Pathway will have exceptionally low reading ages and CAT4 SAS scores below 80. There will usually be associated SEMH and these learners will be particularly vulnerable in a large setting.

Learners in the Forward Pathway will have typical levels of attainment in the core subjects will be predominantly in the Year 2-4 range.

Entry to the Forward Pathway will be determined at the beginning of Year 7, based on primary school data, the data from initial testing, student observations and feedback from Primary settings.

Entry to the Forward Pathway is determined by a panel which includes the Forward Pathway Coordinator, Year 7 Progress Leader, Assistant Principal for Raising Standards, Assistant Principal for SEND and Inclusion and the Assistant SENCO.

Parents are notified by letter that their child will be placed in Forward Pathway and are able to decline the place if they do not agree.

There may be rare and exceptional occasions when learners enter Forward Pathway mid-year.  This is only possible with the agreement of the above Panel and parents.  It will be for an initial, trial, period which will be reviewed initially after 2 weeks.