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Vision Statement 

The study of a broad-based History curriculum is essential in helping young people gain a better understanding of the world around them. History will also enable students to expand their communication skills giving them the valuable ability to communicate their thoughts, both verbally and written. A curriculum has been thoughtfully constructed to be engaging, relevant and appropriate to our young people.

We aim to create global citizens equipped to both identify and assess opinion and make independent judgments, developing an awareness of the past, present and future of the world around them. Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on transferrable historical skills to develop their natural curiosity and nurture analytical thought processes through dealing with source material and historical interpretations. The classroom is a safe space, where enquiry is welcome, and where tolerance and acceptance of all viewpoints is embraced.

Through questioning, investigation and critical thinking, our students are exploring their place in the world, as well as their own values and their responsibilities. Our students investigate issues using different resources and methods, analysing and interpreting information critically, forming and communicating reasoned judgements based on evidence. This process will in turn help them to question information, which again adds to a developmental process which aims to go above and beyond mere knowledge of past events but rather to foster an understanding of those events and their legacies.

An understanding of the events that have shaped the UK will help students appreciate the rich exchange of cultures that has characterised the development of the nation and made it what it is today. An appreciation of a broad set of cultural values is central to our ethos at Queen Katharine Academy and furthermore serves as a celebration of our own diverse cohort of young people. In addition, our students learn and understand a sense of respect for our unique histories which it is hoped will help them grow empathy, understanding and tolerance.


Key Stage Three

The following topics are taught in Key Stage Three:

  • Conquest and settlement
  • Medieval realms
  • Tudors and Stuarts
  • Industrial Revolution empire and slavery
  • Civil Rights in USA & wider debates
  • WW1 WW2


Key Stage Four

      EDEXCEL GCSE 9-1

  • Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91
  • Weimar and Nazi Germany – 1918-1939
  • Early Elizabethan England – 1558-1588
  • Section A: Historic environment Whitechapel, c1870-c1900 crime, policing and inner city
  • Section B: Thematic study: Crime and Punishment through time 1000-present


Key Stage 5


At A Level students sit two exam papers. The units studied are:

  • Stuart Britain and the Crisis of Monarchy, 1603-1702
  • Democracy and Nazism: Germany, 1918-1945.
  • Students also complete a non-examined assessment.

Please follow this link for more information on the A Level:



Mr. R. Davis (subject lead)

Mr P. Steadman

Mrs K. Horsfield

Miss S. Murray

Miss K. Woodhouse