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Saphia Akbar- Careers/IAG Manager
Saphia Akbar

I undertake the administration of the career related activities, which take place within the Academy.  I organise the careers fair, career interviews bookings, trips to colleges and universities. I also co-ordinate the work experience programme for our Post-16 students studying Health and Social Care and Early Years Education (Childcare) courses. I am at QKA on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

I am always happy to help and support all of our students through their journey in school, into sixth form or moving on to their next step into their career choices.


John Nelson – Careers Adviser
John Nelson

I am in QKA every Tuesday throughout the academic year. My main role is to offer impartial advice and guidance to students on a one -to -one basis. The interview lasts approximately thirty minutes, which gives the student the chance to explore his/her career ideas and to discuss their aspirations. We talk through the broad Post -16 options, which include staying on at the QKA sixth form, other sixth forms, colleges of further education and modern apprenticeships. We also look at local jobs and I can help with the compilation of CVs. At the conclusion of the interview, together we complete a Careers Action Plan, which summarises the discussion and a copy goes home. Some students may require a follow up interview, which I am happy to do. I also attend parent, pathway guidance and open evenings during the academic year.


Anne Mason - 6th Form Intensive Adviser
Anne Mason

I am here to help you make the right choices regarding your future. When you join the 6th form, if you are unsure of your subjects, or your next steps, I can support you. Whether it is the UCAS University applications process, helping you with an Apprenticeship or Employment application or a personal statement. I can help!



Pupils, Parents, Teachers and Employers requiring additional information about the careers programme are invited to contact the careers leader via e-mail at or by telephone on 01733 383887.