TDET polices, procedures and account documents are located on the TDET website.
They can be accessed by clicking the link below:
Thomas Deacon Education Trust - Policies and Procedures (
Below is a list of some TDET Policies that can be located on the Trust policies page:
- TDET Charging and Remissions Policy
- TDET Complaints Policy
- TDET Health and Safety policy
- TDET Data Protection policy (GDPR)
- TDET Whistle Blowing Policy
- TDET Equality and Diversity policy
- TDET Modern Slavery Policy
- TDET Annual Reports
- TDET Policies and Procedures
- TDET Statutory Agreements
- TDET Gender Pay Gap
- TDET Statement of Accounts
- TDET Executive Pay
- TDET Union Officials - information on time taken off
Please click on the attachments below to view QKA polices.