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COVID Catch-up Fund

The COVID Catch-up Fund was provided to schools to support children and young people to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus (COVID19). This is especially important for the most vulnerable pupils and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds who we know have been most affected. The funding was paid to schools annually on 1st March.  In 2020, the Academy received £52,942. 

In 2020-21 the funding was used to support the following activities:

  • A new system of GL testing to assess students strengths and areas for development on entry in the absence of KS2 formal assessments due to COVID.
  • The Academy provides an Accelerated Curriculum Department to support those students who had achieved <95 on their KS2 ‘Practice’ English SATs papers / <90 on GL Assessment Baseline Assessments paired with below age-related reading ages, or who arrive at the Academy with educational or linguistic gaps which are barriers to them accessing the traditional secondary curriculum.  The Accelerated Curriculum supports students working below the expected standard by delivering an alternative secondary curriculum, which is underpinned by a clear focus on developing Literacy and Linguistics as well as supporting Numeracy.  Classes are taught by a dedicated teaching team and group sizes are smaller with additional TA support for some sessions.
  • The Academy has a Literacy and Numeracy Coordinator to work across the whole-school to ensure explicit Literacy and Numeracy foci across the curriculum.  The Coordinator also supports students who have below age-appropriate reading and numeracy levels through the Paired Reading Intervention Scheme and Numeracy Interventions.  During lockdowns and partial closures a digital Library portal supported
  • A range of tailored Literacy interventions are provided by the SEND Department for those students who are identified as having additional needs which are impacting on their Literacy skills and social development.
  • The Academy is committed to delivering high quality teaching for all students whether working from home or in school.  The use of IT to support learning was embedded with digital devices and a range of online subscriptions being  purchased to support this.
  • A range of tailored Literacy interventions are provided by the SEND Department for those students who are identified as having additional needs which are impacting on their Literacy skills development.
  • The Academy has created two Learning Gateway facilities to provide small group and bespoke provision for some of the most vulnerable students who are struggling to access large group lessons.


COVID Catch-up Funding

In 2021, the COVID Catch-up Fund has now been replaced by the Catch-up Premium  to support children and young people to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus (COVID19). This is especially important for the most vulnerable pupils and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, who we know have been most affected.  The funding is paid in three instalments across the academic year.

In 2021-22 the funding is being used to support the following activities:

  • A system of GL testing to assess students strengths and areas for development on entry in the absence of KS2 formal assessments due to COVID.
  • The Academy provides an Accelerated Curriculum Department to support those students who had achieved <95 on their KS2 ‘Practice’ English SATs papers / <90 on GL Assessment Baseline Assessments paired with below age-related reading ages, or who arrive at the Academy with educational or linguistic gaps which are barriers to them accessing the traditional secondary curriculum.  The Accelerated Curriculum supports students working below the expected standard by delivering an alternative secondary curriculum, which is underpinned by a clear focus on developing Literacy and Linguistics as well as supporting Numeracy.  Classes are taught by a dedicated teaching team and group sizes are smaller with additional TA support for some sessions.
  • The Academy has a Literacy and Numeracy Coordinator to work across the whole-school to ensure explicit Literacy and Numeracy foci across the curriculum.  The Coordinator also supports students who have below age-appropriate reading and numeracy levels through the Paired Reading Intervention Scheme and Numeracy Interventions.  During lockdowns and partial closures a digital Library portal supported
  • A range of tailored Literacy interventions are provided by the SEND Department for those students who are identified as having additional needs which are impacting on their Literacy skills and social development.
  • The Academy is committed to delivering high quality teaching for all students whether working from home or in school.  The COVID era has highlighted the need for basic digital literacy support for some students, the funding is being used to provide digital baseline assessments as well as to provide bespoke interventions to increase students’ digital literacy, so that they are able to effectively access digital learning.
  • A range of tailored Literacy interventions are provided by the SEND Department for those students who are identified as having additional needs which are impacting on their Literacy skills development.
  • The Academy provides a Learning Gateway facility to facilitate small group and bespoke provision for some of the most vulnerable students who are struggling to access large group lessons.

Post 16 COVID Funding

The Post 16 COVID Funding was provided to schools to support Post 16 students who have not reached the expected standard in GCSE English and Maths.  In 2020, the Academy received £40,055.

In 2020-21 the funding was used to support the following activities:

  • The delivery of bespoke weekly English and Maths lessons to all Post-16 students who did not achieve a L4 or above in GCSE Maths and English.
  • The provision of additional bespoke textbook resources to support students.

Post 16 COVID Funding

The Post 16 COVID Funding was provided to schools to support Post 16 students who have not reached the expected standard in GCSE English and Maths.  In 2020, the Academy received £40,055.

In 2020-21 the funding was used to support the following activities:

  • The delivery of bespoke weekly English and Maths lessons to all Post-16 students who did not achieve a L4 or above in GCSE Maths and English.
  • The provision of additional bespoke textbook resources to support students.

In 2020-21 the funding will be used to support the following activities:

  • The delivery of bespoke weekly English and Maths lessons to all Post-16 students who did not achieve a L4 or above in GCSE Maths and English.
  • The provision of additional bespoke textbook resources to support students.


Expected Impact

We expect the impact of the Catch-up Premium to:

  • Accurately assess student start points in terms of literacy and numeracy to enable effective tracking of progress.
  • Close the attainment gap and support students with their language, literacy and numeracy development.
  • Provide bespoke interventions for students working below age-related levels and to accelerate their progress.
  • Provide tailored support for SEND students, enabling them to access education and make progress.
  • Improve digital literacy so that all students have basic IT skills necessary for work and education.

Pupil premium

The 2022-2023 Pupil premium Covid catchup Strategy Statement can be found at the bottom of the Pupil Premium page.