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Travel and Tourism

Our intent in Travel and Tourism is for every student to be given the same opportunity to achieve their best.  We have high expectations of all and endeavour to create a culture of success by fostering a positive working atmosphere in which students are supported to become independent, confident, and enthusiastic learners.

We aim to promote not only an interest in and understanding of the industry of travel and tourism, but also we strive to open up the world to students through the delivery of engaging and stimulating courses, in a practical learning environment. To enable this, the courses and units within them are selected to provide students with a broad, stimulating and diverse curriculum that will both interest and challenge them.

We work to prepare students for further education and an ever-changing world of employment by enabling the acquisition of transferable knowledge.  We also nurture the development of a range of practical, interpersonal and thinking skills; all skills that are highly regarded by both further and higher education providers and employers.

Year 10 and 11

BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Travel and Tourism

In this course, students explore a range of key areas within the Travel and Tourism industry from how tourism organisations attract customers, to the factors that affect global travel. 

In Year 10, students complete two Components:

  • Competent 1 – Travel and Tourism Organisations and Destinations
  • Competent 2 – Customer Needs in Travel and Tourism

The knowledge and skills developed in these components are examined through none-exam internal assessments.  These require students to produce a series of assignments in the classroom, in lesson time. These assignments are marked by the teacher before being sent to the exam board for verification.  These components contribute 60% of the marks towards the final grade.

In Year 11, students will complete the final component:

  • Component 3 – Influences on Global Travel and Tourism

This component is assessed by an external examination.

Post 16 Level 2, one year courses

BTEC Level 2 First Award in Travel and Tourism

This qualification is equivalent in size to one GCSE and gives an introduction to the world of travel and tourism. 

Students study four units over the year.

  • UK Travel and Tourism Sector
  • UK Travel and Tourism Destinations
  • The Travel and Tourism Customer Experience
  • Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism

Three of the units require students to carry out tasks and assignments throughout the course.  This work is marked and assessed internally.  For the remaining unit, students will sit an exam that is marked externally.

This is a Level 1/ Level 2 qualification; the grades range from Level 2 Pass, to Level 2 Distinction*.   If students do not achieve a Level 2, they may be graded a Level 1.

BTEC Level 2 First Certificate in Travel and Tourism

This qualification is equivalent in size to two GCSEs. 

Students study four mandatory units:

  • UK Travel and Tourism Sector
  • UK Travel and Tourism Destinations
  • International Travel and Tourism Destinations
  • Travel and Tourism Business Environments

Plus, further optional units:

  • Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism
  • The Travel and Tourism Customer Experience
  • Marketing in Travel and Tourism

Five of the units require students to carry out tasks and assignments throughout the course.  This work is marked and assessed internally.  For the remaining two units, students will sit exams that are marked externally.


Post 16 Level 3

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Travel and Tourism (from September 2019)

This qualification is equivalent in size to one A Level and is designed for students who are interested in learning about the travel and tourism industry alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses, not necessarily in travel and tourism-related subjects. 

Two units will be completed in year one of the course, and two further units in year two.

Year 1

Unit 1 – The World of Travel and Tourism (external – a written examination lasting 1.5 hours)

Unit 3 - Principles of Marketing in Travel and Tourism (internal assessment)

 Year 2

Unit 2 - Global Destinations (external – a task set and completed under supervised, examination conditions)

Unit 9 - Visitor Attractions (internal assessment)

Subject Leader: Victoria Wakefield